Saturday 22 January 2011

Art it is!

Hi everyone! I am learning something very exciting. For a change in the pace of my blogs, and also, developing a new skill, I am learning editing pictures using!

I wanted to use photoshop, but let me admit it - I am broke and unemployed at the moment, so I settled for the free version. It is a very good tool anyhow. I am using video tutorials on YouTube and guess what, there are really good ones and I am learning really fast !

One of the first tutorial videos I started off with is this:

I am proud to present my very first piece of art!!

Tadaaa!! This one was developed from scratch with no background picture to work on. It is pretty cool, isn't it? I got really enthused and tried many more stuff, which I am sharing with you all lovely people.

This is just the beginning! :) Leave me any comment of what you think of my new-found artistic interest - even if you feel the pictures I worked on are awful :) I am only learning, and of course, I can be bad at it ...

Ciao with more art in the upcoming posts. Take care!


  1. pretty good start. lots of scope for improvement though. good luck!

  2. thanks for your feedback! I hope to surprise you with my future art :)

  3. Guuuuuuuud one..shud I say 3 :). Seems lik a pretty useful free softie :)

  4. veryyyy nice...good..keep it up :)

  5. thank you guys !
    it is a very useful software indeed. I have many more artwork coming watch out ;)
